All About Andy

       Well, I love long walks on the beach, holding hands, kisses in the rain, movies, and so on…
andy-morgan-staringintospace       Just kidding.
I’m a local boy, born and raised on the mean streets of BG, KY and I love Kentucky and Tennessee. Went to WKU originally to teach secondary education history (I’m a history nut, like a lot of people), but ended up having a few very real talks with some professors who told me “Son, ain’t no jobs teaching history.” So I switched.
       Music is probably about 90% of what I think or talk about in a given day, so I knew that if I want to enjoy my job, it has to involve music in some form or fashion. Radio was a natural choice as I was already “radio ga ga,” as Queen would say, and already a big talker haha, so I got very lucky to get involved with WUHU and it’s sister stations. I love my job.
       This blog will be dedicated to my pop culture-related thoughts, reactions, reviews, praising things I like, and griping and complaining about things I don’t like. You’ll probably agree with me sometimes and hate my opinion others, so enjoy!